10 Example Goals for Accountants to Set Today

Two women looking at figures and calculations

Everyone needs goals. Setting goals can improve your productivity at work and generally has a positive impact on mental health. 

If you are an accountant looking for good goals to set, we’ve got you covered. We created a list of ten example goals that any accountant can use. Read on to explore them all!

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1. Improve Your Accounting Skills

Making a positive change starts by improving yourself. In doing so, you can create a ripple effect that passes through every aspect of your life. 

In accounting, look at the work you currently do. Is there anything you could do better? Is there anything that seems like it could really use improvement? If so, set a goal to work on these aspects of your job specifically. You can do this simply by reading up on new technology that could help you do your job better.

Example goal: Read three articles each week regarding accounting skills.

2. Obtain New Degrees or Certifications

You can learn as much as you want, but without a degree or certification, there is no way to verify what you know. Obtaining new degrees or certifications massively increases the level of trust both employers and clients can place in you. 

Any new degree related to accounting is helpful. Getting one can be as intense as going back to school or as simple as taking online classes in your free time. 

Common accounting certifications include Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), and Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). 

Example goal: Begin the process of getting your CPA certification.

3. Improve Your Personal Skills

In most places, the work you do is only part of the job. A lot also depends on your personal skills. 

By improving your personal skills, you make yourself the type of employee a company wants in an important position. Leadership, effective communication, and teamwork are essential skills for any company’s higher up but are just as important for everyone. By developing these skills, you are more likely to obtain one of these positions. 

Example goal: Read one book about leadership each month.

4. Diversify Your Knowledge

Being a good worker requires more than just knowledge of accounting. This is especially true if you work as an accountant for a large company, as accounting only likely makes up a small portion of the company’s energy. The work you do can be improved dramatically if you have a greater understanding of the company you work for as a whole. 

Set a goal to learn more about the company you work for or the clients you work with. Visit the sales department or check out the products the company creates. This all gives you a greater understanding of what the company does. 

Example goal: Discuss the sales process with your team members or clients.

Using software to calculate tax credits and deductions can make the process much more accurate and efficient. See how our R&D tax credit software can make your job easier! 

5. Review and Analyze Data

While on the topic of learning about the company you work for, you can start collecting data. Most companies gather data about their operations. However, many companies fail to really review or utilize this data. 

You can learn more about the company by reviewing and analyzing the data. This will allow you to work better within the company. It may even give you data-driven or data-informed insights about things you can change to work more efficiently. 

Example goal: Gather and review past data about your clients within six months.

Woman looking at a computer 

6. Offer Suggestions

One way to advance in a company is by going above and beyond the call of duty. If you are an accountant at a firm, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just accounting. By taking an active role in improving the company, you demonstrate that you are an even more valuable asset. 

For example, you can start with the information you gained from reviewing and analyzing company data. Make a list of the insights you discovered or any points of improvement you found. You can present these to higher-ups as a way to show your dedication to the company and your desire to see it achieve success. 

You can offer suggestions to your clients if you are in your own firm. Look at their current financial health and see what can be improved. Suggest changes to them.

Example goal: Use R&D tax software with each client to see what additional incentives they can use.

Related: Accounting for Startups: What to Know

7. Reduce Waste

While all suggestions about a company’s performance are helpful, those that help a company reduce waste are particularly helpful. Look for places where money is wasted or where less can be spent. 

For example, while learning about your client, you may realize that the company is still paying a subscription fee for software it no longer uses. Pointing this out and eliminating the problem will save the company money. In this way, you have demonstrated an ability to improve the company’s bottom line directly. 

Example goal: Sift through your client’s accounts and see where there is waste. Let them know what you find.

8. Increase Profits

While looking for ways to save your company money, you should also look for ways to make more money. Finding a way to increase profits is an incredibly valuable skill to have. 

This can directly relate to the work you do. For example, taking on more clients will help your company make more money. It can also relate to suggestions you offer to your clients. For example, you can suggest potential clients the marketing team can target. Ultimately, what you do will depend on what is possible at your company. 

Example goal: Create a marketing plan to attract more clients and increase your firm’s profits.

9. Make More Use of Automation

Automation is making most jobs easier. As an accountant, you shouldn’t miss out on this trend. This is especially true as automation becomes more and more accessible for accountants. 

For example, TaxRobot’s R&D tax credit software can make it easier for you to handle the R&D tax credit. With this, you only have to provide some information. Then, it handles the rest of your work for you. This saves you time better spent checking off the rest of your goals. 

Example goal: Research software that could automate parts of your job. Determine if it can work for you.

Wondering if R&D tax credit software can help you help your clients better? Contact us and discuss your goals with our experts!

10. Change Positions

Sometimes, simply switching things up is a great way to make a positive change. Disruptions can make a massive impact in the world of business and can have just as big of an impact on your career. 

Think about changing positions in your company. Look for openings that sound attractive to you. In addition, consider if any of the company’s positions would be a better fit for your skillset. 

You can also move to a new company. Going from a smaller company to a larger company could offer you a chance to advance in a more significant way. Meanwhile, going from a larger company to a smaller one could allow you to take on a leadership role that wasn’t previously available. 

Example goal: Check out five job listings each month. Apply to any that seem like a good fit.

Woman taking a document from another woman

Goals for Accountants to Reach Toward

Goals can play a huge role in motivating you and improving your life. With them, you will start on a course to make positive changes. If you’re an accountant looking for new goals, start with the ones on this list and see where they take you!

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