Marketing for Accountants

“Audience” written on a white board with arrows and a hand holding a marker

As an accountant, marketing is a necessary part of getting clients and doing business. However, marketing can be difficult and presents an additional challenge on top of traditional accounting. Plus, marketing for accountants often ends up being different than marketing for other professions. 

Luckily, there are marketing strategies that work for accountants. This article will lay out some of these strategies and explain how they work. With them, you can start marketing for your accounting firm or accounting service. 

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Start a Newsletter

Communicating a message online is notoriously difficult. Algorithms on social media websites will randomly prevent your message from actually reaching your followers. Meanwhile, other forms of communication have limited audiences. 

However, newsletters get some of the best responses. This is because people have to actively choose to sign up for a newsletter and then actively choose to stop receiving it. So, chances are that the people who signed up for your newsletter are actually interested in what you have to say and in receiving your communications. With this, you can potentially sell your services or advertise anything else you offer. 

Despite this, not every newsletter gets a response, as it is important to run an effective newsletter. A newsletter like this should give subscribers something of value and shouldn’t be fluff. Clickbait may work once or twice, but it won’t keep people around. 

Consistency is another big point. The newsletter should have a central point and should stick with it each time. For example, a newsletter offering accounting tips shouldn’t suddenly turn into an in-depth blog about an accounting topic. Your subscribers want to know what they can expect and want you to deliver on this. 

On top of all of this, a good newsletter should stay simple and to the point. No one wants to read a newsletter that feels like reading a book. However, most people also want to avoid a newsletter filled to the brim with gifs and images. Instead, say what you want to say and finish the email. Your subscribers will be more likely to stick around this way. 

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Use Social Media

While a newsletter may get better results than social media, it is undeniable that social media has a massive reach. A startup accounting company can use social media as an early method for contacting potential clients. Meanwhile, an established accounting firm can use social media as an avenue for press releases or other updates. 

As an accountant, you can use social media for marketing your own services. Simply having a social media presence does this on its own, as there is always a chance that someone will stumble across your profile and follow along. 

However, spreading your message with social media is even better. You can do this by offering something of value. Offering unique accounting advice or easy-to-understand information is one possibility. This has a chance of being shared by social media users, which can draw more people to your page. If you go viral, you’ll end up reaching an unheard-of audience. 

Social media is also something that lends itself well to automation. You can schedule social media posts ahead of time and even get a week’s worth of posts done in a single day. This minimizes the amount of time and effort you need to spend on it. 

Smartphone with social media icons

Run an Accounting Blog

Other marketing methods involve reaching out to people and spreading your message that way. This act of outreach takes time and energy on your part. However, a blog allows people to come to you. 

By using effective SEO tactics, you can create a blog that will rank highly on search engine results. This means that your blog will be one of the top results when people search for certain terms. 

You can leverage this to your advantage. You can go after popular terms like “accountants in my area” or “how to use accounting services.” You can even fine-tune the terms you are looking for depending on what you want people to discover you for. 

Once you do this, people will discover your blog in a natural setting. Once they do so, they will click through your blog and see what you have to offer. They may decide to follow the blog by subscribing to your newsletter. They may even decide to reach out to you for any accounting services they need. 

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Partner With Others

Marketing partnerships are an arrangement where everyone benefits. You get to be exposed to the network of your partner while your partner is exposed to your network. In this way, you both gain access to an entirely new audience. 

Opportunities for partnerships are also boundless. You could offer accounting advice on someone’s podcast, which gives their show a unique guest and exposes you to their listeners. In a similar way, you could write a guest post on someone’s blog and have them write one for your blog. Basically, anything that involves collaboration has the potential to provide valuable exposure. 

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Create Accounting Content

There is a lot of demand for content because people are constantly consuming content. The exact form of the content can almost be anything: podcasts, books, videos, or anything else. What matters is that the content is out there and available. 

This is true in accounting as much as it is in any profession. People often end up needing to know accounting information, whether they are accountants or they need to do some accounting-related work. When this happens, they will seek out content that will help them. 

You can take advantage of this. You can create accounting videos that explain accounting basics to people. You can also show off your expertise by creating an advanced accounting podcast series designed to teach accountants more about their profession. In either case, you are exposed to more people, grow your network even further, and open up potential opportunities for revenue. 

Two women filming a discussion

Marketing For Accountants

Marketing for accountants can be challenging. However, if you use the proper tactics, it doesn’t have to be. Keeping in mind the information on this list, you can start marketing for yourself in a way that will work best for you. 

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